Attack on Hindus in Pakistan

Hindus are constantly being attacked in Pakistan and harassed continuously through atrocities, yet the government is not seen doing anything for them; terrorists are always attacking Hindus there. Hindu women are also constantly harassed and harassed, and they appeal to the government to do something for them. Still, the government does not seem to be doing anything good for them, and there The government also always wants the Hindus to be removed from there. Still, the Hindus there are not at all safe now, and they are constantly expecting from India that something will be done for them.



At this time, in Balochistan, most Hindus were available inside Pakistan, and most Hindus lived there, and India and Pakistan were divided; at that time, the same thing was kept: those Hindus who wanted to live in Pakistan could live in Pakistan. However, these Hindus will still be taken there in a very wrong way, and even today, inside Balochistan, they are continuously tortured and have not recovered from this torture.



Atrocities have been told continuously in Pakistan only after 1947



After the partition of Pakistan in 1947, many atrocities were committed against the Hindus continuously, and the Indian government tried to interfere in it many times. Still, the government of Pakistan denied them by giving them repeated excuses. They cannot do atrocities for them at all while they are trying to stop terrorism, but still, our government has asked them for help many times to send the Hindus there to India, but keep them in India. There have been many prime ministers who have said that they will bring Hindus to India safely, but till now, it has not happened.



Pakistani time is a country full of terrorism, and there is a lot of terrorism there, and seeing terrorism increasing like this, many countries also expressed concern for them; many countries even said that If Pakistan does not stop terrorism inside its country, then the situation there will be terrible. Yesterday, a missile at a Hindu family in Pakistan was attacked by them and 3 to 4 Hindu people who were there were also killed, but now Till now the government has not taken any decision against them; in this way, the continuous atrocities on Hindus are being done there, now the rain is also trying to stop them.

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